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Blog Post

VMware Labs – DRS Dump Insight

DRS Dump Insight is a service portal where users can upload drmdump files and it provides a summary of the DRS run, with a breakup of all the possible moves along with the changes in ESX hosts resource consumption before and after DRS run.

Users can get answers to questions like:

  • Why did DRS make a certain recommendation?
  • Why is DRS not making any recommendations to balance my cluster?
  • What recommendations did DRS drop due to cost/benefit analysis?
  • Can I get all the recommendations made by DRS?

Once the drmdump file is uploaded, the portal provides a summary of all the possible vMotion choices DRS went through before coming up with the final recommendations.

The portal also enables users to do What-If analysis on their DRS clusters with options like:

  • Changing DRS Migration Threshold
  • Dropping affinity/anti-affinity rules in the cluster
  • Changing DRS advanced options


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